December 16, 2010

I. Thanks to those who already paid dues. We raised the percentage of participation from 23% to 30% since the second dues appeal was sent out. 30% is still low, please participate at whatever level you can. II. If you haven’t seen it yet there’s still time to shop on New vendors have been

November 22, 2010

PTA MEETING NOVEMBER 22, 2010 PTA President Alison Bowers made the following announcements: 1) PTA Dues: A dues letter was sent out in September, but the response rate has only been 23%. We desperately need your dues as they provide support for special programs and mini grants for the teachers. Another letter will be sent

Sept. 20, 2010

PTA MEETING SEPTEMBER 20, 2010 PTA President Alison Bowers began the meeting by welcoming everybody to the first PTA meeting of the school year. About 40 parents/guardians attended. Alison made the following announcements regarding certain events and fundraisers. More information will be distributed as the events get closer. All funds raised provide support for special

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