June 12, 2024
Remote (registration required)
37 attendees


Welcome: Thank you so much for joining us at our June PTA meeting, the last one of this school year. I can’t believe that I’m saying that but we appreciate you taking time this evening to join us. 

Admin Updates
MS. ROSA, Principal

Passes to Bridget, for her announcement.

MS. BRIDGET, Assistant Principal

So if you didn’t see my message, I am stepping down to stay home with my boys and be a mom and travel with my husband while he explores some things with work. I will miss you all, and I will come back and visit. I thank you all, and this is not goodbye forever. It’s goodbye for now.


It’s bittersweet as she said and we’ll open up summer school without her, which is always a challenge. First of all, a huge huge thank you to this PTA you’ve been just amazing. I know Katherine Beito is stepping away from co-president.

5th grade families if you’re here it’s always bitter sweet to say goodbye to 5th grade families, knowing that some of you have been with us for so so many years. This Friday our Adelphi Street campus is sending off a few 8th graders into high school. And if you think sending 5th graders off, imagine 8th graders who’ve been with us since they’re 4 years old and some of them now are 6 feet tall. They never fail to be taller than us.

We have 6 folks retiring, our school aids Annette, Lenora and Adele and Miss Iris.

We’re going to do a huge sendoff to them, and then also included in there is Anne Dolan, our school psychologist and Rose, a paraprofessional. 

We have a schedule change that’s going to come up in the 24-25 school year, and that is any parent teacher conference days will be half day professional developments for our teaching staff, based on a teacher vote, and so the kiddos will not be in school on those days.  1 day in November and 1 in March. 

331 is a go. We recently received the names of approximately 60 kiddos that are joining us at this new site. The reason for opening a District 20 site is so that District 20 families can stay within their community. Especially kiddos in the 6:1:1 and 8:1:1 classrooms often they are traveling about the city far from home. We know that at Adelphi Street that’s a very common theme that families are traveling over an hour to get to us.

So District 20, 331K will be full from day one on, and we are still hiring. And I know that even some of you have sent me resumes. So thank you for that, and continue to do that for us. We are in the midst of hiring lots of new people. So bear with us lots of changes coming on for next year. Of course the biggest is Miss Bridget, but we promise to not fill her shoes, but potentially bring someone on who will do us the same that she did. So that’s it for me, for now, thank you.

School Updates

Dates to remember:

  • Monday, June 17 – Eid Al-Adha – School Closed
  • Wednesday, June 19 – Juneteenth – School Closed
  • Tuesday, June 25 – Last day of Stay & Play
  • Wednesday, June 26 – Last Day of School – Full Day/No Stay & Play

Report cards and/or student classwork will not be mailed out. I will be in the building for Chapter 683 summer school session (July 3-Aug 13) if you wish to pick up those items. If you have questions, you can email Yvette at YAgasBautz@schools.nyc.gov 4th Grade parents, please keep a copy of your final 4th grade report card.  Many middle schools will need a copy. 


PTA and SLT elections.

This is a list of people who have raised their hands and will be running as a slate, which makes our voting pretty straightforward. So I’m just going to launch a poll, at which point it’s an up or down vote, yay, or nay. 

Co-Presidents  Raquel Cunha (Daniel 3-1)
Katherine Hedge (James, Adelphi)
Co-Treasurers  Damon Duke (Dominic, 3-1)
     Farah Franqui (Bella, 5-1/ Logan, Adelphi)
Recording Secretary Marissa DeVito Siegal (Cameron K-3/Zack 4-1)
Co-Vice-Presidents Julia Finegan (Olivia K1/Madeleine 2-3)
      Melissa Melkumov (Felix K3, Linus 3-3)
Class Parent Coordinator Kerrie Frisinger (Linus 5-2, Eloise 3-3)
Member at Large/After School Representative Sascha Weiss (Oscar K2/ Lulu 3-1)
Adelphi Parent Representative Cherise Gibbs (Kyrie, Adelphi)
TBD in September New Parent Representative, 13th Avenue Parent Representative, Additional, Members at Large
Poll finishes with 100% (30/30) voting Yay

For SLT we have three parents running uncontested for three open positions. 

Faja Farquharson
Katie Stefanski
Sarah Lustbader

Poll finishes with (32/32) 100% voting Yay. 

Fundraising Report

Thank you for all of your support that you provided to keep our arts, partnerships, our classroom mini grants, technology purchases. all of the events, etc. running this year.

You may remember that we started the year off on a difficult note with our huge theft. But the urgent appeal raised over $72,000. Raquel is going to review the proposed budget for next year.

Proposed Budget

In terms of fundraising we will keep the the same main fundraisings: Annual Appeal, the auction party, pizza Friday, and the Readathon being the our main sources of income, and the expenses will have the classroom grants that this year will extend to the 13th Avenue site and general support arts and enrichment programs, lunch clubs and studios that are always a hit.

Our school wide events we will have to rethink some of them now that we will have a 3rd site. So we need a lot of help from all of you to give ideas. And how can we think outside of the box and make this community tied together even being separate in 3 buildings?


  • Classroom grants & General Support 
  • Arts Enrichment programs: chess, opera, dancers, jazz, photography, architecture, 5th grade musical, etc.
  • Lunch Clubs & Studios returning
  • Planning for our school-wide events again
  • Funding for technology and other enrichment programs


  • This year the Annual Appeal was high because of the theft. important to mention that we expect to have 40,000 in the Annual Appeal, and we are thankful that a lot of grandmas, uncles and everyone helped us in that moment that we needed, but we know that it was a special circumstance. So now we are bringing our go back to $50,000, and it’s important to mention that we expect to have $40,000 in the annual appeal, and we want to keep the $10,000 that we have in corporate matchings this year. It was our record in corporate matchings. I know that is also because of the theft, but now that more people engage in this fundraising avenue so please keep doing so. 


  • The expenses we are planning are more or less in line with what we are expecting to income. We still have some buffer from the previous years.
  • If any of you need a more detailed proposal of this budget or of our expenses our financial report to date. We’ll be glad to send it to you. Just send an email to the president@ps372pta.org or to the treasurers@ps372pta.org, and we’ll be glad to share.


Poll launched to vote on proposed budget. 

Vote passes. 


Thank yous: Thank you to the current Executive Board and all volunteers, we truly could not have done anything this year without you. Thank YOU for being part of our great community and supporting our school.

I want to say thank you again to Scott Hardin for everything. Your years of friendship and work with the PTA you’ve been such a big part of our community and you will also be very missed. I also want to shout out Michelle Dobson, who over the years has also been a huge part of our school community. She has been on the PTA for a number of years was also the President a few years ago then became the director of our after school program, which she currently still is. Her son is graduating 5th grade this year as well.

I want to give a few thank yous to the nominating committee for overseeing the PTA and SLT elections. Our carnival committee. The carnival was fantastic. This year we had a couple of hiccups but they handled it very well, and the kids had a total blast.  The committee chairs for Pizza Friday. Always a favorite. Thank you so much to our pizza Friday, team you really killed it this year.

We want to thank the Emre family who owns Koti Donor. They provided the food for the staff appreciation lunch, which was just absolutely delicious. Everybody loved it. I highly recommend supporting this business. If you haven’t been there yet, it’s fantastic. And also thank you to Melissa, who has been chairing the staff appreciation lunch event for several years now, and always does just a really awesome job. Thank you to all of you and it is entirely possible that I missed somebody in this. 

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