Donated Seeds from HIGH MOWING SEEDS, FRUITION SEED, JOHN SCHEEPERS KITCHEN GARDEN, BAKER CREEK HEIRLOOM SEED CO. – dozens of packs from outstanding companies  Every person gets at least one pack of seeds for free. Bring seeds to swap – seeds you have saved yourself from plantings or never opened things you found you couldn’t use.  
For sale: HUDSON VALLEY SEED CO. Art packs – selected for city growing.
Special on Mache (corn salad) – earliest most cold tolerant of the micro-greens.
We will be offering seeds collected in our OSH landscape & gardens (pollinator plants, job’s tears, agastache, etc.), leftovers that we re-ordered new, unusual things people have given us.
Information on how to save seeds, how to plant, and why heirloom and organic seeds are important. View seeds in their whole form – you can clean seeds yourself and take some home. A great activity for children.
Talk with other gardeners about what they plan to plant or perennials that work in the city.  Browse our reference books.
Free catalogs from great seed companies – Fedco and Kitazawa, in addition to our sponsors and others.
Fedco Seeds – we will divide our Fedco seed packs that we will be planting in the OSH gardens so that you can plant what we are planting.
District 15 Garden Train is a new working-group to organize school gardens on a social level –  pooling information to learn how to make school gardens more sustainable. With people entering and leaving every year, school gardens face specific challenges. Garden Train is interested in developing a model that can be implemented in every district in NYC. Stop by their table to discuss your ideas.
OSH Compost Club will train you on what belongs in the compost bin and what goes in curbside collection. You can become a Compost Club member and bring your kitchen waste to our bins in the garden and also become a member of the Old Stone House, receiving calendar updates and other benefits.
Seed Mosaics – always fun.
Blue Lotus Botanicals will offer wonderful Seedy Soaps and healing creams to sooth winter skin conditions.
Plan to stay for a spell – gardeners and catalogs, books, tea and seeds!
Old Stone House & Washington Park, Brooklyn (R,F,G Trains B63 bus) 5th Ave & 4th St.


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