One of the greatest strengths of The Children’s School is the strong collaboration among teachers, administrators and families through the PTA of PS 372.
The PTA’s main responsibilities are to facilitate this collaboration and to raise funds to support programs in our classrooms. The PTA has provided money to purchase iPads and computers, new sports and occupational therapy equipment, enhance the art and music programs, establish a chess curriculum, and support teachers’ participation in professional development programs. The PTA also raises enough money to award grants to all classroom teachers and specialists for books and other educational materials.
The PTA organizes family events throughout the year, including the Auction and Party, and the Valentine’s Day Dance, as well as school events like Pizza Friday, Movie Nights and Carnival. The PTA solicits donations, which are 100 percent tax-deductible, from families to fund these efforts. There are no formal “dues” to be paid, and anyone with a student at PS372 is automatically a part of our PTA.
The PTA meets monthly to provide a forum for all members of our community to ask questions and express ideas and concerns. We encourage attendance at meetings and volunteering for one of the many PTA activities. Participation at any level — big or small — is welcome.
For more information on the PTA, see the PTA Executive Board Member List.