Q/A session re: school opening amid pandemic Oct. 15, 2020

Q: Ventilation – Both buildings inspected by custodial staff. ASD site has several windows which are  broken and can’t be opened. Deemed not safe to open building without these being fixed. 

Both buildings A/Cs inspected and deemed in working order 

Q: Nurse – Both buildings will have a full time nurse on site 

Q: Blended learning plan – Preliminary approval of plan 5A. Plan 5B was originally submitted, but DOE  has not defined the parameters for Group C, so the plan was changed to 5A, which includes cohort A,B,  and D. 

50% of families surveyed indicated preference to Plan 5 A/B 

21.6% preferred 100% remote 

28.4% preferred Plan 4 A/B 

99 staff members of 185 responded to anonymous survey 

61 preferred Plan 4 

38 preferred Plan 5 

Q: Will in class teachers be live-streaming instruction? – Per UFT President teachers who are teaching in  the classroom will not be streaming instruction; teachers who are remote will be teaching remotely and  teachers in the school will be teaching classrooms – This is not official from DOE as yet 

Cluster teachers who have space in schedules may be asked to teach remote classes – Again not official  from DOE as yet 

Q: Cluster classes – Phys Ed, dance, music, and Art will move forward 

Every student will receive Phys Ed and at least one of the arts regularly + science 

Q: Schedule – Students 8:30am – 2pm 

Staff 8am – 2pm; 2pm – 2:20pm office hours; 2:20 prep (can be done at home) Building to be cleared no later than 3:15pm 

Q: Cleaning – classes will be cleaned daily beginning @ 3:15pm using electro-static device, which will  disinfect

Q: Temperature taking – Initially each child to have temperature taken daily; current direction from DOE  is random. School may choose to do so with more frequency; needs approval and support of PTA and  community 

Q: Health screening – parents and children screened at home via app; record results, potentially in place  of temperature screening at school. No details available yet 

A child dropped off alone, with no family present, would be placed in isolation room 

Q: Fever reducing medication – Any child with fever should NOT be given fever reducing medication in  order to attend school. All families should follow symptom guidelines to determine whether students  should be kept home 

Q: Confirmed cases – Any classroom with a confirmed case must be closed down/quarantined for 14  days 

2 confirmed cases in same room – same as above 

2 confirmed cases in different classrooms – all rooms closed down/quarantined 14 days; school will  close down/quarantine for 14 days 

Considering using logs outside classrooms for all visitors 

Cluster teachers will enter classrooms 

Related services – concern that pulling students out exposes all students in that room would be  impacted by a confirmed case 

Students/staff exposed to positive case, but not positive themselves – awaiting for guidance Q: Blended aspect will include some asynchronous instruction – full details not available 

Q: D15 Principals’ letter – There are still a lot of unanswered questions around the status of the building  facilities, staff, budget, etc. Ask opening of schools be delayed in order to allow buildings to be properly  surveyed and prepared. 

Q: After school – after school activities have not yet been approved by DOE; guidance forthcoming 

Q: Outdoor resources – D15 letter addresses this, as does Brad Lander’s office. No approval or guidance  yet received around making use of/closing streets or other outdoor space off school grounds (i.e.  gardens, parks) 

NOTE: All information available is being shared. Many questions remain unanswered.

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