September 12, 2022

Attendees: 82*

KATHLEEN CONNER, PTA President (0:0-3:16)

Goes through agenda, thanks staff and parents

Notes Sarah Graham is taking over school’s Instagram account (@ps372pta)—please follow!

Introduces EB, including ICT members, noting that both schools will have representation at all events and meetings—an Adelphi rep as well as a New Parent ICT rep

ROSA AMATO, Principal (3:16-10:55)

Introduces staff, including Principals (Begins slideshow from School)

Notes we are bringing back PARENTS AS PARTNERS one friday per month as well as Winter Festival, a big celebration right before the holidays

Musical is coming back in February, Mr. Michael is keeping it a surprise (the past 2 have been Aladdin and Seussical

School is actively looking for a parent who can help zoom/stream these events to those who can’t attend in person. 

Parents will be allowed back in for birthday celebrations but no snacks or food from home will be allowed (please be mindful of allergy restrictions by classroom)

Rosa has been acting as a crossing guard at 1st and Denton, as NYPD said we will not get additional crossing guards anytime soon. 

Late arrivals: doors/gates open 7-8 minutes longer, but the day starts at 8:10am. 

Office hours: teachers to provide parents weekly time slots, but if you need additional/other time with Ms. Rosa, please email Christine Corcoran

FRANK AMMIRATA, Assistant Principal (11:00-15:50)

Curriculum conferences will happen soon 

Hoping to reform an Academic Cabinet this year, looking specifically at literacy and reading instruction

At Adelphi, new things are happening, including a new assessment for functional literacy 

At Carroll Street, we are focusing a lot on development around ICT supports and structures

New Family Picnic this year!

Screeners are back, and we will be administering academic screenings throughout the year, a collection of literacy and math assessments

JOSH BAEZ, Assistant Principal (16:00-

(Flips to Bridget)

BRIDGET NASH, Assistant Principal (16:00-20:52)

Covid 19 guidance from the city:

-no longer a health screener

-vaccine requirements are only in place for visitors and DOE employees

-please stay home if you are sick

-if you test positive, stay home and notify Bridget so she can go through process

-school district will give out 4 tests per student, per month, to use however parent sees fit

-if exposed in school, child will be given additional 2 tests

-number 1 thing we have to do is do what we are comfortable about, as individual families

-children will not be instructed to mask unless they are returning from a covid infection and on day 6-10 after testing positive

-if you want your child to mask, you must tell the teacher

-school will continue to use ventilation systems, windows, routine cleaning, etc. 

-Monkeypox: risk is extremely low, protocol available on info hub from DOE

JOSH BAEZ, Assistant Principal (20:55-25:35)

Introduces himself as new AP

Shares info about DESSA Screeners []:

-Administered to all kids unless parents opt-out

-Oct 17-Dec 2 are assessment periods

-as far as opting out, email goes out to parents at the beginning of October notifying of DESSA (social-emotional assessment), then parents can notify teachers of wish to opt-out

-it’s not a health assessment, it’s not an evaluation, it’s a way to check in with students so teachers can identify

-40 questions, 3-5 minutes for teacher to complete

-results are shared with parents who participate


-School wants to focus on attendance, including timeliness in morning arrival 

YVETTE AGAS-BAUTZ, Parent Coordinator (25:40-32:20)

Schools account (NYCSA): you can look at grades, attendance, etc., but students should not have access to these, only parents

-letter will come from Yvette with unique code to access per student (accounts must be separate)

Arrival & Dismissal: 

no parking on the sidewalk, esp on Con Ed side

-stay clear of school bus lanes

do not bring dogs, esp in the mornings, kids get tripped up by leashes and distracted by wanting to play with dogs

School lunch & breakfast:

-Meatless Mondays & veggie Fridays are a thing

-please consult DOE menu for options, but be aware there’s no guarantee that will be served


Middle School application process:

-stand by for more information

Parents as Partners recommences October 7, immediately after dropoff

-must show vax cards

KATHLEEN CONNER, PTA President (32:30-

Please register for Konstella!!! 


LORI WHITE, Class Parent Coordinator (33:00-35-40

Class parents relay messages from PTA to parents & teachers and are responsible for:

-Gift collections twice a year

-Playdate books

-Staff appreciation project (art project the kids do with parents)

-Konstella blast forthcoming for interested parents

-Any questions, email:

MICHELLE DOBSON, Stay & Play Program Director (35:40-38:00)

Enrichment starts soon, more programs to come as it opens

Email with questions or visit

Latest pickup time is 6pm

KATHLEEN CONNER, PTA President (38:00)

School needs: 

-Parents as translators

-Volunteer photographers for class projects

EMILY STUTTS, 3rd Grade Teacher (39:00)

(Talks about event on Weds., Sept. 21: Bike to School)

KATHLEEN CONNER, PTA President (42:00-49:00)

(Talks about New Families Picnic on Saturday, Sept 17) 

Other upcoming events we need parents for:

Friday Movie Nights

A second Bike to School

Roots & Community 

(Sarah Graham runs vote to add Katie Hedge and Stephanie Shaw to EB) 

-YEAS have it


-Email Kathleen if you want to help

-This is the school’s 30th year, anniversary celebrations to come!

*nonscientific method of screenshotting all attendee names and then counting; possible overlaps or maybe even an underlap


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