January SLT Meeting Minutes

Approval of December Minutes.

Secretary Duties Coming Up: February-Alice Hoff and March-Stephen Grocer

PTA Report 

$33,370 raised for 30 for 30 Annual Giving Campaign, $25K+ Pizza Friday

No Arts & Sciences Day

Readathon Starts February 1st and runs entire month of February

Valentine’s Day Dance is Back Saturday 2/11

Lion King February 15th and 16th Evening performances

Principals Report

In-person events remaining in place

Parents As Partners going forward will not be scheduled on the Friday after a holiday break

No outside food for birthdays(too many classes have food allergies)

Social Media Discussion-Twitter trolls, not safe arena

Action: Stop PTA Twiiter-KC to contact Joe Peng, Instagram only

Adelphi Topics

Playground Accessibility-Using nearby playgrounds, permits, Kianah and Rosa on going conversations on this topic with playground councils

Therapy Equipment-Can’t do stationary bikes but can maybe bring bikes from Carroll Street

Communication System-Suggestion for Class Dojo, Remind is used more than Konstella

Inclusions Events-Sensory event, Carnival at Adelphi Street

Subcommitee Reports


CEP Math&Science-Stephen Grocer joined this committee and will be on it for future years as Matt Miller departs next year, coding offerings at school and after-school

Social Emotional-did not meet-Kindness Spirit Week Feb 6-10th, Kindness Trees both sites

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