Mar. 20, 2024


22 Attendees


School Updates

Lost and Found: It’s always filled, and the PTA put together a booklet of items. Please check it out! 

New Playground: This week we will get a date for breaking ground on the Little Yard. The Big Yard will break ground in the Summer of 2026. (Rosa doesn’t know why it takes so long but that’s that. She’ll have more updates in May.)

New Site: TCS has been asked by the DOE to open a third site. The new school at 63-12 13th Avenue (in Brooklyn) will have 8 classes of students with “autism and related disorders,” she says. Administrators are interviewing; please share Rosa’s email with anyone you know looking for a job: paras, school aides, service providers, secretary, and hopefully a new assistant principal.

Retirements: Given that our school is 30+ years old, we have a lot of retirees this year, and people announcing their retirements. So, we are also looking for new aides at the Carroll Street campus, if you know anyone, please send them to Rosa. 

District 15 Showcasing: Kids showcased their work with Josh Baez for other students recently (Rosa will send blast). This past Tuesday, we had 20 supers and asst. Supers, and showcased K, 1st, and 4th grade reading work. (Reminder we are a District 75 school with District 15 programming, and it’s important to announce that from time to time, Rosa says.) 

Jungle Book! Our 5th grade musical is on the horizon. Please purchase tickets to raise money for next year. Bring kids, bring family, look for ticket sales blasted to Konstella.

Library Renovation: Frank and Jackie are purging old books, bringing in new ones, and the PTA will sponsor furniture, flexible seating, and new tables. That work begins this week. 

Holidays: Upcoming days without school; please check the calendar for Easter, Ramadan, Eid al-Fatir, Passover, etc., and happy wishes to all who are celebrating holidays. 

Field Day: May 29 and 30th are the big days, so please come hang out. Adelphi and Carroll will be celebrating together. 

April 5 is Parents as Partners. At Adelphi campus there is also a virtual OTC. 

ELA Testing is April 17 and 18. (Dates vary by grade.)

Question in the Chat: Will the new site have Aims testing and UPK/3K standalone classes?

Rosa: It will not have an AIMs program, but we did request to be such a site and haven’t received word yet. (Rosa explains AIMs programs mean each class get a special ed teacher, a speech therapist, and a para—”bonus there is the speech teacher.” It will not have UPK/3K either, just the 8 classes, which will be 8-1-1 and 6-1-1. 



One School, One Book

She Persisted (Ella Persistio), celebrating Women’s History Month

Wednesday, March 27th, 8:40am-9:15am



Save the Date: May 17th! 

The only adults-only event. 

We need help—volunteers with event, sourcing donations, and getting attendance up


School Signage: We are looking for graphic designers or anyone with experience in visual identity. Please contact the PTA if you know anyone. 

Comment on Chat: You should blast Konstella for design help!


Solar Eclipse 

School viewing on 1st Street that afternoon

Volunteers needed on 4/8

Please contact

The PTA is purchasing sunglasses for every student (expense approved in General meeting; retroactively approved by EB via email) 

Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 17

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