Communications Team

School Spirit Day Monday, Jan. 30

Monday, January 30 is Spirit Day.  Please wear your Children’s School gear – T-shirts, hats, hoodies, past Field Day shirts or our school colors of Blue and Gold. It’s our unique school’s 30th anniversary year and we had an incredibly successful 30-for-30 Annual Appeal Campaign that we should celebrate! Later in the week, the SLT monthly…

Sign Up for Pizza Friday Session 2

Pizza Friday is one of the biggest PTA Fundraisers. It is also great fun, the kids love it, and you’ll get a window into their friends and lunchtime antics if you volunteer! Pizza Friday is for grades K-5. Spring Session starts Feb. 10. There is no break between sessions and many families paid for two…

January Events

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2023. Here are events on tap for January. A reminder that cases of RSV, flu and Covid are all at high levels in New York City. After holiday travel and gatherings, it’s a good idea to test before returning to school and to stay home if you are feeling sick.…