PC announcements

1 – U.S. Justice Sonia Sotomayor Speaks at Annual ELL Parent Conference—May 15 Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor will be the keynote speaker at the 10th Annual ELL Parent Conference, Creating Pathways to College – Dream, Believe, Succeed! Justice Sotomayor serves on the nation’s highest court as its first Hispanic and third female justice. Parents

Girl Rising screening May 22 @ 7:30PM

Girl Rising tells the stories of 9 girls from around the world who face – and overcome – unbelievable obstacles on the path toward getting an education. First, check out the trailer: http://10x10act.org/girl-rising/ You can sign up to buy a ticket for the movie here: http://gathr.us/screening/3222.  A portion of Girl Rising ticket sales will help fund programs for

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