Below you will find information about school transportation.  If you would like your child to take the school bus or receive a Metrocard please return the appropriate form. (The links will download PDF forms for you to fill out and return to school.)

Bus Routes 2023-2024

  • There are now Social Groups for our school’s bus routes on Konstella. If the bus is running late, breaks down or any other pertinent information needs to be shared school administration will use them to communicate with families. Note that messages will be delivered according to your Konstella settings, so you may want to check those if you would like to receive immediate text messages, for example. You can check your preferences under the “wheel” in the app (and then look for Notifications”) or Account Settings >> Notifications on a desktop.  More information about Konstella is here.
  • The DOE has also rolled out an app, powered by VIA, that they say will allow you to track your child’s bus. It requires a NYCSA login and is avaialbe for iOs and Android. More information and links to download it, are here.

Request for Gen Ed School Bus

Metrocard Request

Please note:

1. There is no matron on the general education school bus.

2. We may share some bus routes with other schools.

3. Children may not ride the bus with a friend for a playdate.

4. Your child should use the same bus stop for the morning and afternoon.

5. Please put the bus company phone number in your cellphone (All American School Bus Corp. 718-932-1500)

6. If a bus is late please call the bus company DIRECTLY. Unfortunately, the school cannot help you when the bus is late. We do not know the location of the bus. Please know your child’s route number when calling the bus company.

7. The times provided for the bus stops are from the Office of Pupil Transportation (OPT) and they are APPROXIMATE. Please be at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the drop off and pick up time.

8. Students in Grads 3, 4 and 5 must live more than one mile from school to take the school bus or receive a full fare Metrocard.

9. A student can use the bus OR a Metrocard, they cannot use both.

Please remember you MUST communicate with your child’s teacher DIRECTLY regarding the first day your child is taking the bus home. It is also extremely important that you inform the teachers IN WRITING of any changes in the student’s dismissal plan.

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