What Is the Direct Appeal?
This year has been one of the hardest in our school’s history. There was so much uncertainty when the doors closed in March. What will happen to our school? Our children? Our school community? The community rose together and did their best to get remote learning going. Families, teachers and staff worked very hard to finish out the school year as positively as possible. We did it…TOGETHER!
So much has changed. As we start this new school year, our priorities remain the same. We are still focused on building community and fundraising to give back to our school. Typically, we would have fundraising events and fun in-school activities. While we can’t do that this year, and we’ll miss fundraisers like Pizza Friday and the Gala, we CAN help our children, teachers, staff and overall community by donating directly!
How Much Should I Give?
We know this has been a difficult year for many families. We are asking that you contribute what you can. We will not be able to hold some of our big fundraising events (Pizza Friday and in-person Gala), so donating DIRECTLY is the biggest way to make an impact! ANY amount whether big or small makes a difference!! Our goal is to hit $40,000!
Why Is the Direct Appeal Important?
Our PTA is dedicated to making this year one of the strongest yet. We plan to help raise money to further our children’s educational resources and support system while also filling the gaps from DOE budget cuts. This includes investing in technology, supporting our teachers with the supplies & tools they need to help run their classrooms (both in-school & remotely) and work alongside the administration to help with the school’s overall needs (fans, books, subscriptions, etc). We know our community is STRONG and we will come together to make this a great school year!
Is My Contribution Tax Deductible?
Your contribution is entirely tax-deductible, and amounts will never be publicly disclosed. The PTA of PS 372 is a 501 (c)(3) tax deductible charity. Tax ID: 11-3312116
Can Employers Match Our Contributions?
YES, Don’t forget to check with your employer to see if they will match your contribution. Your gift could be doubled!! Please check whether your employer has a matching-gifts program, as you may be able to increase or even double your donation. Reach out to your company to see if they match Charitable Donations! (See if your company matches donations here: build.org)
How Can I Donate?
Online: https://inclusions.org/contribute/ (pay by credit card or paypal)
Check: Payable to PTA of PS 372 mailed to: 512 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215 (Attention: PTA of PS 372)
How Does the PTA Spend Funds Raised?
PTA funds cover many of the programs that make our school strong and unique.
Technology: Laptops, Ipads and Digital subscriptions (Raz-Kids, BrainPop, etc).
Teaching Staff: Professional Development and Mini-Grants to help with supplies and enrichment.
Resources: Supporting the administrative team efforts in our 3 buildings & remotely as well as filling gaps left by DOE budget cuts
Thank you for your support!
The PTA Executive Board