Dear Children’s School Families:
The new school year is up and running and we’re off to a strong start. The children have now settled into their new classes and the teachers are working hard to develop a sense of community in their rooms.
There are a few noteworthy items that I’d like to touch on: The budget continues to be an area of concern as the Chancellor readies himself to see how and if the school will need to absorb more cuts. To date, we have been able to maintain all the services in our community but depending on decisions the Mayor makes it could once again place all schools in a compromising position. Most Principals have been working on bare bones budgets and I continue to hope for the best. I’ll keep you informed as best possible.
The lawyers between the Department of Education and the Archdiocese have agreed in principal to a new contract for our building. They continue to work out the minor details and hopefully it will be finalized shortly. The new playground that we’ve been scheduled to receive cannot move forward until this issue is resolved. I will remain in contact with the lawyers and let you know once things are settled.
The Department of Education Progress Reports has once again been posted for all schools throughout the city and I am proud to announce that for the second year in a row we were deemed an “A” school. Once again, we were one of the top performing schools in New York City. Congratulations to everyone for all their hard work and efforts. We will continue our hard work to maintain the balance of academic, social and emotional growth for all our children.
I am happy to announce that the Office of New Schools is going to recommend to the Panel of Educational Policy that we be allowed to expand to the eighth grade. Now it will be up to the Office of Portfolio Management to find us a suitable space to support our needs. Hopefully they will be able to accomplish this for September 2012. A survey for fifth grade families is now being put together to see the interest level of having their child remain as a member of PS 372 for the next three years. We are also in the process of securing a time for families to attend an informational meeting (morning and evening) to talk about how we plan to structure sixth grade and field any questions. Please look for this information either in backpacks or through email. I am confident that if the expansion moves forward that in time we will be as successful as our elementary program has become. Stay tuned.
Once again, welcome back and I look forward to working with everyone as we strive to complete another great year at The Children’s School.
Mr. Artie

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