The P.T.A. held its May meeting on May 8, 2019 in the cafeteria.

Welcome – Jessica & Merideth

Upcoming Events – 

  • PTA Fun Run 5K – May 11th – Katy
    • Schools get funds based on participation, need to get to 20 to qualify
    • Please sign up online, check Konstella for details
  • Cyclones Game – Jessica
    • Moved date to June 16th – Father’s Day
    • Email with info soon and look for flyer in backpacks

Garden– Jessica & Merideth

  • Rat infestation and construction in neighborhood affected our school garden
  • Found burrows in several planters
  • Had to excavate and remove all dirt
  • Will restart after everything is cleaned

Teacher/Staff Appreciation Lunch – Merideth

  • June 6th – Chancellor’s Day – kids have no school
  • We organize a catered lunch, music and slideshow
  • Need items for teacher raffle/prizes
  • News coming soon about class projects for teachers

Parent Coordinator Update – Yvette

  • Field Day – May 16th for K-5 + 6:1:1 site – PreK having theirs today in Yard
    • Parents are welcome to meet students at Parade Grounds
    • Send a packed lunch, but please don’t send ice cream money (not fair to other students)
    • All students need to return to school on the bus
  • Toy Donation Drive was very successful
    • Thanks to all who sent in gently used plastic toys and books
  • Several Concerts in May
    • Music Concert Friday 5/9 for 3, 4, and 5th Grades, approx. 9-10am
    • Dance Performance
    • Check flyer from Music, Dance, Theatre Teachers for details of other performances

Election of New Officers – Sarah G.

  • All elected unanimously by show of hands for/against
  • Co-Presidents – Michelle Dobson & Liza Gouger
  • Vice Presidents – Kathleen Conner & Scotte Hardin 
  • Recording Secretary – Mimi Stauber-Levy
  • Corresponding Secretary – Katy Crile
  • Member-at-Large – Sarah Mudge, Lori White & Ali Yildirim
  • New Parent Representative Member At Large – Maureen Jones
  • Ex-Officios – Desiree Detoy, Merideth Finn-Beers & Jessica Miksis
  • 6:1:1 Rep/Teacher Rep (non-voting member) – Amy Vagelatos

The Talk – Jessica & Beth

  • Proposal for doing a workshop at the school for parents
  • How and when to discuss sex ed with our children, including difficult topics
  • Progressive, social emotional sex ed: beyond biology
  • Resources for parents and kids of all ages and stages
  • Going to be scheduled in evening and will include pizza and child care

Treasurer Report – Shashin

  • Garden Cleanup – unexpected expense – example of why we keep an emergency fund
  • Funding gap for Cafeteria A/Cs – $1,300 needed – voted to approve
  • Funding for The Talk – $400 approved (including child care and pizza)
  • New Gear order – $1,300 – approved
    • sold out of several things – i.e. adult t-shirts
    • Previous inventory sold well and made profit for P.T.A.
    • Want to add kleenkanteen bottles with school logo

School Carnival – Jessica & Beth

  • Scheduled for Wed. June 5th
  • Need volunteers to run and monitor stations
  • Check Konstella for signups – class schedule available soon
  • P.T.A. covering all costs for all students

Wellness Fair – Merideth

  • Coming this Saturday, May 11th 2-5pm
  • Free event and Free food
  • Lots of great activities
    • Cooking demos, juicing demo, etc.
    • Yoga, martial arts, drama
    • Art projects
    • Need volunteers, check Konstella and please sign up!

Upcoming Events

5/11    PTA 5K Fun Run
5/11    Wellness Fair
6/5    School Carnival
6/8    School Camping Trip – still some spots available
6/12    PTA June Meeting – vote on next year’s budget
6/12    The Talk
6/16    Cyclones Game
Author visits
6/28    Last Day of School (early dismissal)

Attendees: 21

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