**Please note: We are in the process of updating this information for the 2020-2021 school year**

School Hours at ICT Site: 8:20am – 3:10pm

Students arriving after 8:25am will be considered late.

Student Walkers

  • Pre-K students enter with a parent/guardian escort through the doors on Denton Place closest to the Our Lady of Peace church driveway.
  • Kindergarten students enter with a parent/guardian escort through the doors on Denton Place closest to the TCS garden.
  • First Grade will have a five week transition period during which students enter with a parent escort through the doors closest to our school yard gate on Whitwell Place and go directly to their classrooms. Beginning October 15th, all first graders are expected to enter the building independently no earlier than 8:16 a.m. and go directly to their classrooms.
  • Grades 2,3,4 and 5 students enter through the school yard gate located on Whitwell Place and travel to their classrooms independently. Please arrive no earlier than 8:16 a.m.

Late Arrival

After 8:26 a.m. students enter the main entrance on Carroll Street and sign in with Ms. Nancy in the front office. Students will be expected to walk to class independently.

Bus (Recreation Building/Gym)

  • Recreation Building doors, on 1st Street, open to bus students only at 8:05am.
  • Bus students in PreK, K, 1st and 2nd grades – will play in the small school yard under the supervision of school staff.
  • Bus students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grades – will play in the gym under the supervision of school staff.
  • Bus students who arrive on the school bus after 8:25am will not be considered late.
  • Students who have missed the bus are considered walkers on that day and should follow the instructions for walkers, above.

Inclement Weather

Including: rain, snow, sleet, or temps too low to remain outside comfortably

  • PreK and Kindergarten arrival during inclement weather will not change.
  • 1st grade students will enter through the doors at Whitwell closest to the big yard and proceed to their classrooms
  • 2nd through 5th grade will enter through the big yard gates and proceed to their classrooms
  • There will be teachers and staff on every landing to meet the students and direct them to their classrooms.

Parent Attendance and participation

  • Friday Parents as Learning Partners will continue. A schedule will follow.
  • All parents are welcome to accompany their child to the classroom in order to participate in Responsive Classroom Morning Meeting which will begin at 8:25 a.m. It is expected that each class have one Responsive Classroom Morning Meeting that includes parent participation. A schedule will follow.
  • We ask that all parents leave the classroom when Responsive Classroom Morning meeting has ended and that all conversation be taken outside of the school building to minimize any hallway noise.
  • We remind parents that this is not a time to engage teachers in conversation about individual needs but rather to participate in classroom life.


  • Starts at 8:00 a.m. in the cafeteria.
  • All students are eligible for free breakfast.
  • Entrance and sign in for breakfast will take place at the Carroll Street doors to the left of the main entrance.
  • Breakfast door will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:15a.m.
  • Only students eating breakfast will be permitted to be in the cafeteria at this time.

Kindly keep your child with you if he or she does not wish to eat breakfast at this time.

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