June Events

Thank you to all the parents and staff who came to the party, bid on auction items, and supported our fundraiser, which allowed us to hit our goal of $35K raised for our school. Upcoming Events: Tuesday June 13: Adelphi Carnival. Wednesday, June 14: June PTA Meeting — Officer ELECTIONS! Friday June 16: Carroll Street

Open Spots on School Leadership Team (SLT)

Our School Leadership Team has parent openings for next year.

CANDIDATE BIOS  ARE DUE  Monday, June 5th.

The Children’s School is currently seeking candidates for 1 parent seat on the School Leadership Team. The SLT provides an excellent forum for committed  parents to make a valuable contribution to our school.  

What is the SLT?  

The SLT is comprised of Children’s School administrators, teachers, and parents who  meet once monthly. This group works collaboratively to develop the school’s  Comprehensive Educational Plan for the year and ensure it is aligned with the school’s  budget. Additionally, the SLT assists in evaluating and assessing the school’s  educational programs and provides a forum to address issues specific to the school  community, such as diversity, safety, expansion, social emotional community building  and parent-teacher communications.

Spring Party – Tickets on Sale Now


Warm up your Skeeball arms, your arcade thumbs and your ping pong serves: The in-person Spring Auction and Party is returning to the Game Room at Industry City.   This super-fun adults-only event will be held on Friday, June 2, from 6:30 – 9:30 pm.

Tickets are now on sale for $50, which includes one drink and food. (Buy online)  We also have sponsor-level packages that let you help us provide FREE staff tickets to the party. Can’t come but still want to help the cause, you can do that, too!

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