PTA Meeting 1/20/11

The meeting took place in the Children’s School Cafeteria starting at 8:30. About 50 parents and teachers were present.

A. Principal’s Report:
Mr. Artie noted that:
1. The city was planning budget cuts for the schools, but they are as of yet unknown.
2. Unpaid lunch money comes out of the school budget and can have a serious impact on children and classrooms. Efforts will continue to collect these bills.
3. Progress reports are coming out next week. As mandated by the Chancellor, “Promotion in Doubt” letters will be sent home by mail. Don’t panic, if you receive a “non promotion” report please get in touch with your teacher.
4. With regard to PCB’s in light fixtures, the school custodian is very much on top of the situation and thus far our buildings are safe.

B. Parent Coordinator Report:
1. Roxanna Velandria announced that the school is conducting open houses for prospective families, including one on February 8th between 6 pm and 8 pm. She asked parents of 5th and 4th graders to look into whether their children would like to assist at the open house.
2. She also noted that as the progress reports come out soon, parents begin searching for tutors and often ask for contacts from the Parent Coordinator, and she would appreciate if parents could volunteer additional contacts for her list of potential tutors.

C. PTA President report:
1. Alison Bowers said that only 40% of the school has paid their PTA dues and urged families to contribute. Even if parents can only pay $10 per child, $30 buys a box of ice packs for Mr. C or a box of pocket folders for Mr. Michael.
2. She also announced the following dates to mark on the calendar:
•1/21 Movie Night, “School of Rock”
•1/29 Shred Day to benefit the 4th grade trip to Philly
•2/4 Next round of Pizza Friday begins, please get your forms in to insure to interruption
•2/12 Valentine’s Day dance
3/26 Arts Day
3. Alison said that even after the holidays, is still an amazing place to shop and encouraged families to check out the site and consider shopping there.
4.The PTA is still looking into the possibility of a grown-ups party in mid-March; look out for a potential announcement on this event
5. Finally, she urged the PS 372 community to check out the articles in Inclusions on line at for updates and information.

D. Workshop on Parent-Teacher Communication:
Rachel Malinowitz discussed how to talk to teachers in the upcoming Parent-Teacher meetings in the Spring. She asked parents to remember that:
• communication from children about school is not always the most accurate;
• children sometimes behave differently in school and at home;
• the teacher may see issues that do not arise at home.
Conversely, the parent should let the teachers know if there are behaviors at home that may be the result of the demands of school.
Parents should try in the limited time with the teacher to get a precise description of behavior that needs improvement and in what context it arises.
Both teachers and parents should try to find ways to support the students both at home and at school.

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