On Nov. 15, 2017 the School Leadership Team of The Children’s School (“The SLT”) held its regular meeting at 7:30am.

Meeting called to order @ 7:30


  • October minutes approved
    • Chris Fladgate volunteered to serve as backup secretary
    • Matt Miller to complete November minutes and the two will rotate moving forward

Principal Update

  • Cell phone policy – in response to an incident on a school bus, language to be added about students viewing pornography
    • One suggestion was to draw a separate letter
    • Research materials about cyber security, safety, parental controls
  • Open House – Dec 14 (6:00 – 7:30 pm)
    • Children will showcase studios
    • Smaller tours during the day – need teacher volunteers to open 1 class per grade
  • Border Crossers – 11/18 training for parents (including childcare for children in PK, K, 1, 2)
    • Sponsored by PTA
    • 2nd training forthcoming to dig deeper
    • Training for teachers took place 11/7
  • Parent Academy – One Saturday per month
  • Grant for the Arts – Family arts collaborative – For Ms. Sandi
  • Administration to look into why no funds from STEM grant in the borough went to our school

UFT Update

  • Nothing to report
  • Winter Festival – Dec. 20 – Songs of the Season
    • Will check about including Dawali

PTA Update

  • November meeting 11/8
    • Evening meeting – very poor attendance by parents
    • Cathy Price – D15 CEC rep spoke
    • Steve Questar spoke about Border Crossers
  • Arts/Science day
    • Undecided about the sale of student work
    • School gear will be sold
    • 4th grade has priority for fundraising; then Undoing Racism
  • No meeting in December
    • Konstella up and running – being used regularly
    • Encourage more teacher use – blast emails to families
    • Can’t be used at ASD – a lot of parents don’t have email, access to computers, speak English, etc.
    • Look into options like Remind for text reminders

Committee Updates

Diversity Committee

  • Meeting week of 11/13
    • Focus of the meeting was on outreach for Kindergarten recruiting.
    • Kindergarten application process opens on November 28th and will run through January 12.
  • Gowanus concert with City Stomp
    • Concert date: December 3rd at 2pm
    • Concert Location: Theater of the Liberated at Gowanus Houses​ Community Center
    • Rosa Amato may have another band to join the concert – TBC
    • Discussed whether other schools should be invited and it was decided that BNS and PS 133 should be asked to participate
    • The 5th Ave Committee​ can also promote concert through their channels just need to be given support materials
    • Need to give credit to the 5th Ave Committee in printed materials
    • 5th Ave Committee asked for a $5 donation fee to be paid by attendees however Diversity Committee decided to request funds from PTA to keep the concert free
  • Actions needed
    • Secure someone from the administration to speak at the concert
    • Ask PTA for funds to cover $5 suggested admission fee
    • Volunteers needed for day of event to help with set-up, breakdown, work information table
    • Follow-up with Rosa Amato about other potential band
    • Contact BNS and PS133 about joining event – Michele will contact former 372 parents who are now at those schools
    • Create concert ​version of ​flyer to promote TCS Open House(s) which mentions 5th Ave – Committee/Cheri to create flyer/Also suggested to add breakfast at 8am and school start time to flyer
    • Michele to find TCS brochure which was used approximately 3 years ago and will need to be updated
    • Contact local pre-ks to promote concert
    • Provide 5th Ave Coalition with promotional materials for concert
  • Open House
    • Date still TBC though Yvette is aiming for early December
    • Early December deemed too early, mid-December date preferred
    • Discussed the need for additional open house and tour​ dates that can be added to the flyer​
    • Actions needed
      • Contact Yvette about moving open House to mid-December
      • Request more than one open house date
      • Michele will request meeting with Rosa
  • Neighborhood Outreach Teams
    • Louis to join Sunset Park Team
    • ​MG will connect him with Judy Wong​
    • Robert to join Red Hook Team
    • Candida to join Kensington Team
    • MG to connect her with Sarah & rest of K team​
  • Actions needed
    • Figure out neighborhood outreach strategies with the teams
    • Candida to contact friend in Red Hook and see if she has local community contacts to give to Robert
    • TCS flyers and brochures to be used for these recruitment efforts
    • Raf​ael to ask Good Shepherd Services who to contact to reach out to preschools
    • Holly to contact family daycares and find which ones are in D15
    • Contact Center for Family Life in Sunset Park
    • ​Michele will send out email via Konstella to request additional help on neighborhood teams
  • New Committee Chair – Need someone to help Michele coordinate and take over as new Chair for next year

Social-Emotional Community Building Committee

  • Working on establishing student council

Wellness Committee

  • After first meeting a bid for a grant was put together within 48 hours to meet the deadline
    • $2,500 grant awarded ➔ earmarked for mindfulness around student anxiety about testing
  • Planning an evening family wellness night
  • Train teachers in Move to Improve
    • Free DOE program
    • Incorporate in classrooms
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