Register for Afterschool today!

The 2nd trimester for all Stay & Play participants begins December 10th.

All families who participate in our afterschool program must sign up again to remain in the program. If you have already registered (set up an account) for the afterschool program, you do not need to fill out registration forms and pay the registration fee again, but you still must sign up (enroll) for the next trimester. New billing for the 2nd trimester is part of this process.

If you plan on newly joining our Stay & Play program, either for regular Afterschool care or for Winter Enrichment courses, then you must register (set up an account for) your child before enrolling them.

It’s a two-step process. We have combined our regular Afterschool program and our Enrichment selections for the 2nd trimester into a single form. Enrichment classes for the 2nd trimester will begin 1/6/2020 and end 3/20/2020. If you want regular Afterschool care between 12/10/19 and 1/6/2020, we offer that option in the form.

Children who are not signed up for the new trimester by December 10th will not be able to stay for afterschool.

Please go to to sign up for the 2nd trimester of afterschool care and for Winter Enrichment courses.

If you want to sign up in person or if you would like to apply for financial assistance, please see Janine DiLorenzo before Dec. 10 in the Stay & Play office (off the main office / 1st floor).

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