Dear Children’s School Community,

It seemed like yesterday we were just coming to school for the first day meeting our new
teachers and making new friends. With June just over the horizon, I would like to take this opportunity
and thank everyone for all their support and efforts in making this, our nineteenth year at The Children’s
School, another successful adventure into the journey of learning. I have watched the children grow in
many ways and I am proud of each and every one of them. They are the most important piece to the
puzzle and the driving force within me.

I would like to take a moment and update you on a couple of items that continue to circulate
around the field of education and how it may or may not affect our school. As you my already know,
budget cuts and teacher layoffs have been the dominate topics of conversation which are making the
newspapers daily. The Mayor and Chancellor have made it quite clear that at this time all schools will
have cut backs and a certain percentage of teacher layoffs. Currently, The Children’s School is slated
to lose 2 general and 2 special education teachers. As I have done in the past, I have rolled funding
from this year budget into next years but will not know for a while what effect, if any, it will have on
supporting these deficits.

My goal will be to keep all staff and services which have helped us achieve a level of excellence
as part of our program. However, I will not be able to make that determination until the Department of
Education releases budget numbers to schools over the next several weeks.

I need not tell you that if the Mayor goes through with these cuts, it will have an impact on ALL
schools across the city.

I will keep our community informed as I receive information and pledge to do everything I can
from keeping the integrity of our school from being compromised.

Thank you,

Arthur P. Mattia


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