School picture Day will be Oct.30th at the ICT site and Oct.31 at the 6:1:1 site.
Things to know:
- There is no ordering of pics in advance, and there are no forms to send in.
- A couple of weeks after Picture Day, your proofs will be available to view online, and you can order only the pictures you like, in whatever quantities and sizes you desire.
- Re-take day will be Friday, December 13th at the ICT site.
- Sibling pics and make-ups can be taken on re-take day. Retake, make-up, and sibling information will be sent out in November.
- Delivery of prints from the Oct. dates are expected before the holidays!
- Retake day prints are expected after the new year.
- Find out more: https://iloveschoolpictures.com/ps372