IMG_4022There were raves and requests for seconds on Thursday when George Edwards and his Garden to Cafe team brought farm to table dishes to school today!  Similar to the fall event, the fresh, seasonal dishes were popular — and we know the recipes will be in demand!  See the recipe descriptions under each photo.  Bon appetite!


Roasted beets with diced apples and honey.

Roasted Beets with Apples & Honey

Wash, peel and dice beets; marinate in honey and ginger for 30 minutes. Cover and roast in a 325 degree oven for 60 minutes. Wash and chop apples (leave skin on). Let sit overnight in a mix of apple juice and water (2-1 ratio). Mix beets and apples together just before serving.




Kale, spinach and strawberry salad with vinaigrette

Kale, Spinach & Strawberry Salad

Wash and chop raw spinach, kale and strawberries. Combine.

Vinaigrette Dressing

Mix apple cider vinegar and water (3-1 ratio); garlic, salt, pepper and Dijon mustard in food processor. Pulse ingredients together, then slowly add olive oil. Dress greens right before serving.

*This free, school-wide event is made possible by Garden to Cafe, Grow To Learn NYC, the PTA Garden Committee and the school administration.

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