The following letter is from Parents for Middle School Equity – a group of D15 parents committed to changing the way that children are assigned to middle schools in this district. See the link to the slide show below for an overview. Some members of the committee are parents at PS 372 and would like to invite interested parents at our school to sign the petition and get involved. 

Dear Friend,

As you may have heard, Parents for Middle School Equity (PMSE), a group of District 15 parents, are working to try to change the way children are assigned to middle school in this district. As this slideshow makes clear, the survey we conducted last year found enormous dissatisfaction with the current process due to the stress it places on children, families and schools. The slideshow also demonstrates how, although the middle school “choice” process could be an opportunity to integrate students from across this extremely diverse district, the result is segregation by income, race and national origin. As a result, middle school assignment in our district contributes to the segregation of the NYC public schools, which are the most segregated in the US.

As a parent or teacher of a current or future middle school child in Brooklyn’s District 15, please sign and share this petition to reform this stressful and inequitable process. There has been a lot of attention focused on this issue lately, and we need to show the DOE that there is widespread community support for reform. Please share widely!
We are also looking for more members, so please write if you are interested in helping out with next steps.Many thanks,
Miriam Nunberg and Parents for Middle School Equity

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