Due to a surplus in reserves, from years of careful budgeting and spending, the PTA put out an open request to our community of parents and teachers for one-time spending proposals for the coming school year. After being reviewed and voted on at our final PTA meeting of the 2015-2016  school year, we are very excited to announce that all proposals passed. We are looking into the possibility of repeating this process twice next year, in the middle as well as the end, so keep the ideas and initiatives coming. A total of $38,977 will be used to fund the following projects:

1 8 Fans with wall mounts for ICT Cafeteria $4000
2 Field Day T-Shirts for all students both sites $5000
3 Weekly social skills program for Kindergarten ICT and all ASD @ 400/ea $ 800
4 3xWilson Fundations Classroom Set Level 3 (1 Tchr’s Kit & Matl’s for 20 Stdnts). Not covered by core budget. Upper grades will continue using: Words Their Way. $4017
5 5 computers for math for 1st grade ICT $1750
6 4-5 external drives to reimage/upgrade laptops for tech maintenance $ 750
7 10 silent headsets $ 500
8 Science Library $2250
9 Visiting Speakers for Science $2000
10 Water Bottle filling station for ASD $1400
11 Camera for ASD $ 500
12 Undoing Racisim Workshop at School. 10 people @ $350 each $3500
13 Student Voices Newspaper $1250
14 One School, One Book (undoing racism): monthly read aloud in class for all grades $3000
15 Responsive Classroom Training July 1,5,7,8 course books + fees $3660
16 Teachers College Professional Development Diversity Training for the Classroom $1600
17 Mats, equipment for ASD $3000


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