Consider committing some of your time to public service for PS 372 by serving as a member of our 2018-2019 Executive Board. The PTA Executive Board is the elected body of PS372’s PTA. The EB takes on the responsibility of overseeing the needed fundraising  to cover the school’s annual PTA budget, which pays for many curriculum enhancements and classroom grants. The Executive Board also oversees much of the school’s communication and community building events. No special skills are required. We need committed people who are excited about service. The EB meets monthly before school and members are also expected to attend General PTA meetings whenever possible. Go here to see our current EB:

Elections will be held at our PTA meeting on June 13th, 2018 at 8:30 am in the cafeteria. If you are interested in learning more, please contact the Executive Board at  If you would like to run for a position on the Board, please send an email with your name, email address and the position in which you are interested to Laura Mantell at by June 6th.

PTA of PS 372 Executive Board Roles

Mandatory Officers: Non-Mandatory Officers:
• President •Vice President
•Treasurer •Corresponding Secretary
•Recording Secretary •Ex Officio
•New Parent Member-At-Large


The Children’s School is currently seeking candidates to run for 3 (three) parent seats on the School Leadership Team. The SLT provides an excellent forum for committed parents to make a valuable contribution to our school.

What is the SLT?

The SLT is comprised of Children’s School administrators, teachers and parents who meet once monthly in the mornings before school begins, and work collaboratively to develop the school’s Comprehensive Educational Plan for the year and ensure it is aligned with the school’s budget. Additionally, the SLT assists in evaluating and assessing the school’s educational programs and provides a forum to address issues specific to the school community, such as diversity, safety, expansion, social emotional community building and parent-teacher communications. More on the Children’s School SLT.

The SLT consists of equal numbers of parent and administration representatives. These members include DOE mandatory positions: 1) our school’s principal 2) The PTA president(s) and 3) a UFT representative. In addition, there are elected positions determined by each constituent group.  The PTA holds the elections for the SLT parent representatives. Each term is a two-year commitment and participation requires time, dedication, creativity and hard work.

How do I run for one of the 3 open parent seats for the 2018-19 and 2019-20 school years?

Please submit a short bio (about 5-7 sentences capturing your related experiences and why you would like to serve on the SLT: “My name is…I am a…I am very interested in running for the SLT because…”) Send bios to or please bring a printed bio to the PTA office and put it in the President’s mailbox. The deadline for bio submission is Thursday, June 7th.

The election for SLT will take place via a paper ballot sent home in your child’s backpack during the week of June 11th.

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