Here’s a note from Paula Szuchman, co-chair of the PS 372 Wellness Council, about our first Wellness Fair:
The Wellness Council wants to thank everyone who participated in this past weekend’s Health, Wellness & Happiness Fair. It was an incredible event, and we couldn’t have done it without our volunteers, organizers and the parents and businesses who donated their time. Attached are some photos of Jete’s yoga class, the Kampo Institute’s Qi Gong demonstrations, and the healthy recipe book filled with our families’ own recipes.
We hope to continue the work of the Wellness Council in coming years, through great programming like the 4th and 5th grade meditation workshops and more. And if you missed out on buying a cookbook, no worries, they’ll be on sale for $5 at future events, and whenever our school gear is sold (hat tip to Doug Hatt for compiling them and Yaniv Nord for designing them!)
A special thanks to all our providers: Margi Douglas of the Pilates Garage, Marni Brand of Monkey Do Yoga, Ronna Welsh of Purple Kale Kitchenworks, Jete Dance Studio, Coach C, Mark Bohan, Kids in the Game, Run 4 Fun, Jane Wheedon of Work Space, Nigel Dawes of the Kampo Institute, Jane Bliss Birk on behalf of Kimochis, Naomi Cohen-Thompson of Mandala fame, Madeline Solomon queen of wood and wool, Mika Hatsushima of Rice and Miso, Taheni Mediterranean Grill, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Fairway, Gotham Greens, Artist & Craftsman Supply, Park Slope Copy Center, Tribeca Pediatrics and Metro Community Health.
And of course, to our council members Madeline Solomon, Reina Nakagawa, Doug Hatt, Merideth Finn-Beers, Naomi Cohen-Thompson, Sarah Adams and Madeline Miller, all of whom spent untold hours making this thing a reality. Additional thanks to Principal Rosa (who led a great fitness class!), AP Bridget Nash, our fantastic custodial team of Tony and Jose, Yvette Agatz-Bautz, Tatum Strum, Doug Dugan, Sandi Gonzalez, Janine Dilorenzo, Nancy Badali, and the always-amazing PTA.
It really takes a village to pull something like this off, and we are all so grateful!