Meeting called to order @ 6:45pm


  • This meeting is a make-up for February’s meeting
  • Barbara and Melanie not present this evening

New Business

SLT Elections for 2022-2023

  • Melanie Goldberg and Liza Gouger are “graduating”
  • Ellen’s term is up but she can go for reelection
  • Elexis left the school, so she needs to be replaced
  • Elena and Barbara have served their term but can go up for reelection
  • 3 parents positions, 2 staff positions up for election
  • Elections must be done by end of June
  • Parent election will be held @ PTA meeting on 6/16

Playground update:

  • Grant total is $600K
  • Jessie Childs has been at the forefront of this project
  • No agreement right now on type of structure and flooring
  • Disagreement over whether or not big yard is included in the grant
  • Our plan all along has included the big yard but recently were told it is not included
  • Extra $100K has been added to total grant but SCA is saying that is still not enough for both yards

CEP Goals for next year:

  • Community building to continue next year
  • Parents need that pre-Covid engagement (Movie Night, Field Day, etc)
  • Hoping to see more of those kinds of events next year
  • Return of field trips (hopefully) and embracing all NYC has to offer
  • Hoping to return to small group instruction for reading
  • Attendance has gone from 89% to 93% (most absences due to Covid)
  • Biggest concern is lateness, so that is something to focus on next year

Next meeting: 6/1

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