It’s time to urge New York State legislators to support Farm to School in the 2016-2017 Budget Proposals! The New York School Nutrition Association, the association of school food service professionals, is requesting an increase in the New York State reimbursement of school meals tied to purchasing New York-grown and raised foods.The New York State Farm to School Procurement Incentive would reimburse school districts an additional 5 to 25 cents per meal, based on how much of the school district’s food purchasing budget was spent on New York grown foods each year. Please contact our NYS Assembly Representative and Senator and urge them to support the Farm to School Procurement Incentive in their respective Budgets:
Assembly Representative Jo Anne Simon (52nd Assembly District) at or 718-246-4889. @JoAnneSimonBK52
Senator Jesse Hamilton (20th Senate District) at or 718-284-4700.