Due to the recent changes with the Teachers’ contract and the new school schedule, we have made some related changes to our After School Program. The changes being, the After School hours will be extended and the After School fees will increase.

The After School Program will begin on Thursday, September 4th from 2:40-6:00pm.

The following is a timeline when each grade will begin After School:
Thursday, September 4th 1st through 5th Grade
Monday, September 8th Kindergarten
Thursday, September 11th Pre-K

The new After School fees are:

AS Daily Fee $27
Sibling 1 $22
Sibling 2 $17
Drop In $30

If you are currently receiving or are in need of Financial Aid, please contact Janine DiLorenzo, After School Registrar via email asregistrar@gmail.com or in person in the Family Center.

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