The April P.T.A. meeting was held in the cafeteria on April 17, 2019.

Welcome – Jessica & Merideth

Recent Events

  • Thank yous to the Auction Committee and to all who helped and/or donated.  
  • Shout out for First grade operas and 5th grade photography gallery program funded by the PTA.

Wellness Committee – Meredith Solomon, Co-chair of Wellness Fair

  • Wellness Fair happening May 11th from 2:00P to 5:00P
  • New activities such as Alexander Technique for kids and adults with familiar activities from last year.  School cookbook is going to be sold. Volunteers requested and robust attendance encouraged.

Principal’s Update – Rosa A.

  • All are welcome and encouraged to attend the D15 Science Fair occurring Saturday, May 4th from 2:00-4:00p at PS 32 – 317 Hoyt Street
  • Fourth round of lead testing completed.  
    • All water fountains and fillers are clear and re-opened.
    • Any pipe found with lead is replaced.
  • School survey still open.  Please make sure to fill it out. 
  • Summer School is from July 2nd – August 13th.  Closed on July 4th.
  • Potential change in math curriculum next year.  Envisions math is recommended by NYC DOE. Curriculum still to be decided.
  • Rodents have been found in the school garden.  Members of the school community should refrain from being in the garden until after that has been rectified.
  • Questions about D15 Middle School process after PTA meeting.

Parent Coordinator’s Update – Yvette

  • Second Chance Toy Collection to keep toys out of landfills ends April 18th.  
  • Another request to submit the online school survey.
  • May 1st and 2nd is Math Testing.  Pleas opt out if you are doing so.
  • Friday May 3rd is Families as Math Partners.  Spring Speech Festival taking place in the cafeteria  immediately after.
  • Please make sure teachers know if your kid is in afterschool enrichment.  There has been some confusion.

Lice Day – Michelle Dobson

  • Lice check day is May 3rd
  • Lice day re-check is on May 6th
  • Volunteers needed.

Garden Committee – Kathy Price & Lori White

  • Showcased the Pledge presented to Gil Hodges Community Garden promising that PS 372 kids and families will treat the garden with respect and care and will therefore continue to be allowed to use the garden. 

Auction/Gala – Sarah G

  • Last Chance items from auction available until 9:00P today, 4/17

PTA Elections

  • Elections for next year’s PTA Board members will be held in May/June.  The roles up for election are; Co-Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurer, and Members-at-Large.
  • PTA Leadership breakfast will be held on Tuesday, April 30th at 8:30A in the Cafeteria.  All are welcome if you are interested in chairing a committee, being a class parent, being on the PTA Executive Board or School Leadership Team. 

Treasurer Report – Treasurers were unable to attend due to date change.  Following figures were supplied to be reported out by PTA presidents.

  • Annual appeal has raised $30,629 with corporate matches at $2,110 for a total of $32,739.
  • Gear is at $9,325.67
  • Pizza Friday – second session still is not finished but currently is $60,928.88
  • Readathon – Reached our goal with $20,313
  • Auction/Gala – $41,068

Diversity Plan for D15 Middle School – Bridget Nash

  • Process worked the way it was supposed to and the administration and guidance team are working to help parents and kids who are dissatisfied with their placement.

March for Healthy School Food in NYC – Kathy Price

  • Kathy brought this event to PTA’s attention.  It will be held Sunday, June 9th and will be from Borough hall to City Hall.

Upcoming Events

5/03    Families as Math Partners
5/03    Lice Day
5/06    Lice Re-check Day
5/08    May PTA Meeting
5/11    Wellness Fair
6/06    Teacher Appreciation Lunch/Chancellor’s Day
6/07    School camping trip
6/09    March for Healthy School Food in NYC – Borough Hall to City Hall
6/14     Brooklyn Cyclones Game

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