April 19, 2023


Attendees: 34


Welcome Back from Spring Break!

New gear available at the PTA store (

MS. BRIDGET NASH, Assistant Principal

First day of State Testing today, everything went well.

Safety Updates

School improvements

  • Addition of cameras to the Main Site:
    • Cameras will be installed at all major corridors and the perimeter of the building
    • No cameras inside classrooms and where instruction is given
  • Weekly Meeting with NYPD

NYC DOE Improvements

  • DOE will enhance visitor control procedures in every school.
  • Installed monitored locked entrances into the school.
    • One way in and out of school.
    • Door locks cameras and buzzers, starting this Spring.
    • Citywide and starting with elementary schools
  • Lithium Ion Batteries Safety
  • More E-bikes out there, with the increasing number of fires because of counterfeit batteries
    • E-scooters and E-bikes are to be parked outside and at least six feet from the main entrance;
    • Lithium-ion batteries are not to be stored or charged near school entrances and exits;
      • When schools recharge the laptops’ batteries, they have to be in a safe container;
    • Lithium-ion batteries must have a designated storage area with a door that closes; 

COVID-19 Updates

  •  COVID-19 test kits will now be distributed upon request for students and staff.
  • Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for 5 days and can return to school on day 6 if they have no symptoms or symptoms are improving. They should wear a mask until day 10 after symptom onset or the date of a positive test, whichever is earlier. Masks may be removed during this period if the person has received two negative rapid tests 48 hours apart.
  • Situation room is no longer operating.
  • Limited updates on cases – parents are still encouraged to report positive cases to school administration.
  • Please keep your kids at home if they test positive for Covid-19!

Safety drills 

2 more drills to come

  • 1 lockdown drill
  • 1 evacuation drill with warmer weather.

MS. YVETTE AGAS-BAUTZ, Parent Coordinator

  • Please check your emails and join Konstella which is the official communication channel between the school and parents. 
  • NYC School Survey deadline is tomorrow (04/20):
    • Parents can submit through their MySchool account or paper forms.
  • No School on Friday, April 21st for Eid.
  • Next Parents as Partners is Friday, May 5th
    • Reading with families
  • Field Day is Back! This year at J.J. Byrne Park – located between 4th and 5th Avenue and 3rd and 4th Street – from 10am-12:30pm.
  • Both sites (ICT and ASD) will participate this year.
    • May 17th for Grades PreK-2
    • May 18th for Grades 3-5
    • no rain dates
  • Permission slips from Mr. C (Gym teacher) will fill in the details, please complete and return them!
  • A few volunteers are needed to help coordinate kids at the Park.
  • Parents are encouraged to come and cheer for their kids.
  • Parents cannot dismiss their children directly from the field.
  • For attendance reasons, please use normal arrival schedules, do not head directly to the field.
  • T-shirt design winner – Daniel Flores (ASD site).
    • A shout-out to:
    • Camille Lawson, that thought out of the box;
    • Liam (3rd Grade);
  • If you have questions, you can email Yvette at



Treasurer’s report

Major Fundraisers for PTA in 2023

  • 30 for 30 Annual Appeal – $33,670.
  • Pizza Friday is back after many years raised over $30,000.
  • Readathon raised around $20,000.
  • Auction & Party: expectation of raising $35,000 – Mini-Camp auction raised $4,800 already!

The PTA budget is public, and anyone can ask for a copy from the PTA President (

PTA Expenses Include but are not limited to

  • Mini-Grants for each classroom and specialist.
  • Arts Enrichments for each grade.
  • 5th Grade musical.
  • Because we had an amazing fundraising this year, we were able to fund $6,700 to buy a new microphone system that should last us for around 7 years.
  • Free Admission to all events (Valentine’s Day Dance, Movie Night, Roots and Community, Carnival, etc.).

Co-Treasurers needed for 2023-2024

  • It’s a mandatory position for the PTA operation!
    • Ideally, we should have 2 Co-Treasurers.
  • An important supporting role to PTA President.
  • Oversee finances of the PTA.
  • Support Executive Board and President in budgeting.
  • Manage accounts including paying vendors, reimbursements to parents and staff, managing donations and fundraising proceeds.
  • Reporting to DOE on PTA finances twice a year.
  • Attend monthly EB meetings.
  • QuickBooks’ prior experience is strongly desired.
  • If anyone at this meeting (or watching the recording) is interested in this position and could dedicate a couple of hours each week, please reach out to the PTA President ( or PTA Treasurer ( 


Upcoming PTA events:

  • Bike to School Day is Monday 4/24 – to celebrate Earth Day (4/22)
    • You can start where you want or join one of the routes (check on Konstella’s announcement)
    • You can bike, walk, or scoot.
  • Outdoor movie night – next Friday, April 28th (last movie night of this school year)
    • Movie: “Yes Day” – rated PG, running time 89 minutes.
    • Movie starts at sunset (around 7:25pm) and Whitwell gates will be opened at 06:45pm.
    • Admission is free.
    • Concessions will be sold – CASH ONLY.
      • Proceeds will benefit 5th grade graduation festivities.
    • Bring blankets or beach chairs to sit on.
    • No rain date – will be indoors in case of bad weather.
    • Families from both sites are encouraged to attend.

Mr. FRANK AMIRATTA, Assistant Principal

One school one book

  • “The Girl Who Thought in Pictures: The Story of Temple Grandin”
  • Already have parents volunteering to read
  • The link and more information will be sent via Konstella on Monday or Tuesday

CALLIE SIEGAL, Auction and Party Co-chair

Spring Auction & Party

  • June 2nd – save the date!
  • Adults-only events – plan ahead!
  • The Game Room – Industry City
  • Come and encourage your friends to come!
  • Tickets will go on sale soon. Tickets will have a similar price to last year, they may go up just a bit due to the increase of expenses.
  • Silent auction
  • DJ
  • Time with teacher’s raffle
  • We need auction items
    • Anything you think it’s a good auction item send an email to
    • Bid is on “Bidding for Good”, an open platform where people from all over the world can bid on our items – once the link is available, please share it widely with your family and friends.


Thank you to:

  • Costa, Ms. Sarah, and Ms. Fiona for organizing the Tree Caring event. 
  • Adelphi St parents and staff for organizing a beautiful celebration for Para-Professional Appreciation Day.
  • All the students, teachers, Kathleen Conner, and Raquel Cunha for the incredible “One Great Thing About …” cards for our paras at Carroll St.
  • Raquel Cunha for her work with PTA Gear.
  • Sarah Graham for giving so much support to all of us with her tech skills!

Next PTA Meeting is Wednesday, May 17th, 6:45pm

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