
On June 2nd, there was an award ceremony for the students who participated in the Mighty Milers Program. Alyssa Tyson, speech pathologist at ASD site and program lead, worked with Kate Collins on this successful pilot year with 22 students. The students received certificates of participation and an announcement was made of the 3 classes that achieved the most miles for their grade level (lower elementary, upper elementary, & middle school). Alyssa looks forward to expanding the Mighty Milers program school-wide next year!

Mighty MilersMighty Milers is a running/walking program for NYC schools through the New York Road Runners Association. It increases fitness and physical activity. Students are awarded for their participation and earn prizes and materials for their school. The students can track the amount of activity and record it for others to see. While this program incorporates many fitness skills, this will also emphasize social language and incorporate social skills as students share this common activity.

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