PTA Communications Committee

Resources for Countering Islamophobia

A group of concerned parents has been meeting to discuss ways to counter Islamophobia in the community to show respect for diversity at our welcoming school. Here are some resources parents and teachers may find useful: The New York State Council for the Humanities’ “Muslim Voices” program The DOE’s brand new teachers guide to Eid…

Pizza Friday, Winter-Spring 2016

Pizza Friday is great fun, the kids love it, and you’ll get a window into their friends and lunchtime antics! Most importantly participating in the School shows them you care. So: See you there! Pizza Friday is for grades K-5 . There is one session in the fall and one in spring during which every week…

Valentine’s Day Dance

Save the Date! Our Valentine’s Day Dance will be on Saturday, February 6 at 5:30 p.m. Please join us for an awesome, fun-filled night. Our theme is “The Roaring 20s”, so get those costumes in order and practice your Charleston! We need volunteers! The party itself starts at 5:30 p.m. and goes to 9:00 p.m.…