Communications Team

Box Tops for the P.T.A.

Making money for PS 372 has never been so easy! Just clip your Box Tops, attach them to the collection sheet and return the sheet to school in your child’s folder. That is it! You just raised money for our P.T.A. Collection sheets went home in backpacks, but if you need another, you can download…

D15 Diversity Plan — Public Workshop, March 13

Public Workshop #2 will provide another opportunity for community members to share their ideas to create diverse and meaningfully integrated and equitable middle schools. The goal of this workshop is to frame the conversation of diversity and equity by using the insights gathered from community members. This will allow the Working Group to begin to develop…

Readathon: Mid-Month Tally Day!

The Readathon Committee would like to extend a big thank you to our community for a very successful mid-month Tally Day. Thank you to families for tallying minutes and returning logs, to teachers for spreading the word and enthusiasm, and especially to our Tally Day volunteers who worked hard all morning tallying reading log minutes,…