Help Bring Speed Enforcement to #EverySchool in NYC

Click on the image to tour the #EverySchool web site. Transportation Alternatives is ramping up its #EverySchool campaign to loosen Albany restrictions on New York City speed cameras. Earlier this month, TA and Families for Safe Streets launched an effort to get state lawmakers to allow NYC to site speed cameras outside every school in the

Planting + Prep Is Underway After Garden Map Revised

Early childhood science students got busy this week preparing for spring gardening!  Indoors, several classes started seedlings which are germinating under grow light lamps in Ms. Kathy’s classroom. Others tilled soil in the raised beds outside. Per the newly revised garden map, preK-1 will start eggplant, calendula and some sunflowers inside while students in preK-2

Garden Committee Meets Friday 1.23, 8:30am in the Cafe

The next garden committee meeting is Friday morning, January 23rd. We’ll discuss the incoming grow lights, demo the sub-irrigated planter project for Science Day, the Nature Works Everywhere Grant program, and other upcoming Grow To Learn events and giveaways.  All community members are welcome!  Learn more about what’s going on by joining the online discussion

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