
Look! Can you see the lettuce sprouts?

  If you look closely you can see sprouts from the lettuce seeds that 1-3 and 1-1 broadcasted on Friday during science class.  Pretty cool! Come to the garden meeting Friday morning to learn more and get involved in what the kids are growing. You can even sign up to water in the morning on…

Garden Committee Meets Fri 8:30am

The spring gardening season is in full swing– and we’ve to catch up! Join us in the cafeteria this Friday morning to discuss, plan and figure it all out. How to sign up for the watering schedule What the early childhood science teachers are doing and how parents can help Where the butterfly plants got planted…

Butterflies Are Coming!

The Butterfly Project NYC held a giveaway Saturday, and I scored these butterfly plants for 372’s garden! Native plants that give butterflies the nectar and/or hosts that they need are considered butterfly-friendly plants. Besides being extraordinary to observe, these insects are beneficial pollinators; gardeners want and need to attract them. I purchased the group’s Pollinator Curriculum Guide, which should…

Plant Sale Moved to Friday!

Due to the rainy forecast, we will hold the Family Day plant sale on Friday instead of Thursday. You can shop for plants this Friday, May 9th, after drop off and during dismissal, at the main entrance. Thanks for supporting PS 372’s Garden! Learn more about the garden here. The best way to get informed…