Community Sing is a school-wide event held once a year, usually around the end of September. Mr. Michael and Ms. Sandy are the organizing forces. The classes from each grade are brought together at 1:30 pm on a Friday (during choice time) and they sing songs together, usually folksy songs centered around a theme.
It’s an occasion for children to enjoy themselves within the Children’s School community and interact with other grades.
This year, Community Sing was held on Friday, October 2nd, and the theme was “Saving the Earth”. Songs included: “This Land is your Land”, “The Garden Song” (“…inch by inch…row by row…”) and “Down by the Bay”. Other popular themes in recent years have been focused around the school’s motto, “Kindness and Respect for All”.
Speaking of the school’s motto, The Children’s School was one of the Brooklyn schools that won a “Respect for All” award in 2014 and again in 2015!
– Pauline Treacy, PTA