Dear Children’s School Families,
As you know, the PTA supports the programs that our children love and which make our school so special. These include science, music, dance, chess, architecture, book clubs, and field trips. We also provide mini-grants to every teacher and therapist. In many instances, PTA funding is the only form of financing that these programs receive. (The annual budget is readily available for pick-up at the Family Center/PTA Office).
Unfortunately, due to budget cuts that are large and on going, the financial role played by the PTA in improving our children’s quality of life is bigger than ever.
Two months ago we began an annual dues appeal and asked that all our families participate in some way, big or small. As of this writing, we have received contributions from less [FEWER] than 25% of our school families (106 students out of 465).
In this scenario a minority of families are supporting initiatives that benefit the entire student body. We are one school, one community, and we urge everyone to contribute. Your tax-deductible contribution can be small or large, although we are requesting $100 per child. Whatever you give, the amount will be entirely anonymous.
We know the holiday season is upon us and time and resources are scarce. However, please do what’s needed to make certain that our great programs continue. Thank you in advance for your help.
Our very best wishes to all,
The PTA Executive Board