Dear colleagues,

On Sunday, June 17 (Father’s Day), New Yorkers will gather at 1PM on W.
110th Street between Lenox Avenue and 5th Avenue for a march down 5th
Avenue called End Stop and Frisk: Silent March Against Racial Profiling.
This initiative by SEIU 1199, NAACP, and the National Action Network,
echoes the silent march down 5th Avenue 95 years ago in 1917, when an
8-year-old NAACP, with founder W.E.B. DuBois at the lead, protested
lynchings, segregation, and race riots in the South.

Last Wednesday, the UFT Delegate Assembly, at the urging of the UFT
leadership, unanimously endorsed End Stop and Frisk: Silent March
Against Racial Profiling. All of us in the UFT membership are being
urged to attend.

If you’re on the fence about whether or not to come on June 17, look at
the African-American and Latino boys you teach, and ask yourself what
kind of a future you want for them. This march will be one of my last
acts as UFT chapter leader, and I look forward to walking with a big
Children’s School contingent.

I’m having a flyer put in your mailbox. One side is the End Stop and
Frisk flyer that is posted on the UFT website, with text added by me:
“Endorsed by the UFT.” The other side is an NYCLU fact sheet about stop
and frisk posted at

See you on June 17.


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