Fourth and fifth grade studio options this year were school newspaper, carpentry, Lego, Zentangle, Big Brother/Big Sister, hands on science, watercolor painting, Science Fair, board games, jazz dance, playwriting & monologues and American Sign Language.
This past Friday, families and younger students were invited to the ICT gym to get a glimpse of the students’ hard work. American Sign Language signed “What a Wonderful World” on the risers and jazz dance performed two numbers on the stage. The playwriting studio had professional actors do a reading of their original script. The other classes had presentations set up throughout the gym. Beautiful drawings and Lego skylines were on display, laptops played videos of science experiments, carpentry students showed off how to safely use drills and other tools, student-created board games were played and the school newspaper was distributed. Thank you to the P.T.A. for funding the studio program.