Grow-to-Learn asked for a report by today, 7.11.14. Here’s a peek at the shape of the garden and a description of the highlights:
1. In paragraph form, please provide a general description of how grant funds have been used thus far. Our Grow to Learn grant funding was spent on raised bed materials and fabrication.
Thanks to the generosity and flexibility of Cub-Craft owner and ps 372 parent Sheldon Sean Moyer, who donated his labor as well as other essentials, we have 10 custom raised beds, including one deep teaching bed that including seating for students (and storage!). Working off a design by volunteers, we were able to quickly realize this dream set up that maximizes our space and provides dedicated beds to each of the pre-K to 1st grade classes.
Please describe a favorite moment or “success story” .
While we loved seeing NYC’s First Lady, Chirlane McCray, cut the ribbon on our opening day, the most exciting celebrity visitors have got to be the black swallowtail caterpillars.
During the last weeks of the school year, the kids observed the caterpillars grow from first instar larva to pre-pupate stage.
One, whom we named Kevin, even went to crysalis on a honeysuckle plant! By early July, there was nobody home– the crysalis was empty.
In other news, we have about 40 or 50 tomatoes growing, several peppers and a couple very hearty eggplant. Thanks Grow-to-Learn, for this amazing opportunity! –Garden Committee, PTA of ps 372.