We are excited to be running the first annual School-wide Holiday Giving Drive this year, The Children’s School Giving Tree, for PS 372 children and families in need at both the ICT and ASD Site. This is an opportunity for all of our students to learn about their community and ways to be a part of it. From needing a little help, to giving a little help, all of us could be in one of these positions at one time or another.

We will be collecting from December 1st to December 12th. All contributions should be unwrapped and sent to your child’s classroom.

To receive a Toy for your child(ren):

Please feel free to contact our parent coordinator, Yvette Agas-Bautz at or fill out the form that is being sent home and return in the backpack in an envelope labelled “holiday drive”. All requests will be kept confidential.

To contribute: 

Grades Pre-K, 1st, and 5th Grade* will be participating the general toy drive.  Go to sign-up genius to sign up: or fill out the form that is being sent home and return in the backpack in an envelope labelled “holiday drive”.

Grades Kindergarten, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th will be participating in the Family Sponsorship Drive. Go to sign-up genius to sign up: or fill out the form that is being sent home and return in the backpack in an envelope labelled “holiday drive”.

About the families:

Ms. Cathy and Ms. Rosa have identified 4 families in our community who are in need and have worked with these families to create a wish list ranging from household items, to clothes, to toys for their children. More about the four families:

  • Family #1 (4th Grade): Mother with 2 children, living in a shelter.
  • Family #2 (3rd Grade): Mother is expecting a new baby in January and current child has special needs, living in a shelter.
  • Family #3 (2nd Grade): Working mother with 2 children struggling to make ends meet. 
  • Family #4 (Kindergarten): Family in need with 4 children.

We are also proud to announce that if we receive more toy donations than we need, we will be donating those gifts to an organization called Hour Children, which is devoted to helping incarcerated women and their families. They will be having a holiday party for the children of incarcerated women on December 20th, at which time all gifts will be distributed. To get more information on this organization, please visit their website at:

* Please note that classes Pre-K 2, 1-2, 3-3 and 5-1 will be participating in a separate program through Good Shepard Services.

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