As we have done in the past, we have scheduled grade to grade transition meetings to give families an idea of classroom expectations for the 2014-15 school year. A classroom teacher from each grade will be present to share grade level information that will assist you in supporting your child as he/she prepares for the coming school year. Please make every effort to attend. We look forward to seeing you.

A schedule of days and times are listed below:
*All meetings will be held in the cafeteria except for Monday, June 9, Drama Room

Friday, May 30 at 8:30am 3rd Grade Meeting
Current 2nd grade families who will have 3rd graders in 2014/15

Monday, June 2 at 8:30am 5th Grade Meeting
Current 4th grade families who will have 5th graders in 2014/15

Tuesday, June 3 at 8:30am 1st Grade Meeting
Current Kindergarten families who will have 1st graders in 2014/15

Monday, June 9 at 8:30am Kindergarten Meeting (Drama Room)
Current Pre-K families who will have Kindergartners in 2014/15

Tuesday, June 10 at 8:30am 2nd Grade Meeting
Current 1st grade families who will have 2nd graders in 2014/15

Thursday, June 19 at 8:30am 4th Grade Meeting
Curren 3rd grade families who will 4th graders in 2014/15

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