PS 372’s garden committee was awarded $1200. from a Grow-To-Learn expansion grant this week. Thanks to the parents and teachers — especially science teachers Kathy Mullen, Beth Huff, Fiona Frederick and Sarah Collins — for all their work and garden love!

The Inclusions Garden was founded 4 years ago and has received funding from many groups, including the National Environmental Education Foundation, National Wildlife Foundation Eco-Schools, GrowNYC, and Whole Foods Whole

Kids Foundation. This educational grant focuses on birds as pollinators.

Outside, bird nesting boxes have been mounted, perennial plants are flowering, and temperatures are warming. Early science education students started seeds inside before break and have tilled under the cover crops and prepped the outside beds for direct sowing.

Want to get involved? The committee meets most Thursdays in the early science education room (off the gym) or the garden at Denton and First Streets from 8:25am to 9am.  Please join us in person or via online discussion group at

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