- Scarlet Bee Balm
- Echinecea
Scarlet reds, deep purple, and electric yellow hues. The school garden is boosting with color right now, as many of the flowers open up. Ask your child to point out which plants she started, transplanted, or helps care for. Students in pre-K, K and 1st grade work to start seeds indoors under grow lights in March with Ms Kathy and Ms Beth and them help them transition to life outside. The upper grade science students, in grades 2-5, do more observational classwork in the garden. One important task they have: watering the pollinator-supporting planters on Denton Place (where they utilize the storm water catchment system — rain barrels — to hydrate the non-edibles with collected water.) In addition, many kids are able to participate in lunch clubs that focus on green and ecological goals.
Please support the school garden resource by volunteering to help water during July and August. It’s fun! Plus, it is not difficult work and you can do it with your child(ren). Just check the irrigation timer to make sure it is running, water the 2 big planters that aren’t on the irrigation system, and harvest vegetables. It is your commitment that is key. In the steamy hot days of summer, the tomatoes, marigolds and others dry out quickly. Please help keep them alive so the student work can continue in September!
Volunteer will need a key for the garden gate and a quick demo on how to use the rain barrels to water the Denton Place planters. To get both, come to the garden on the corner of 1st and Denton Pl (near the gym) after pickup or drop off this week.
- Mon 6.19 AM after dropoff (hosted by Liza)
- Tuesday 6.20 AM after drop off (hosted by Ian)
- Tuesday 6.20 PM after pickup (hosted by Ian)
- Wed 6.21 PM after pickup (hosted by Lindsay) ****updated Wed 6.14
Just show up! You can send an RSVP to garden@ps372pta.org so the group has your contact info, but it is not necessary to commit ahead of time. Come when you can, or email us to arrange a one-on-one demo. Thanks!
See more info in this post: Harvest From The School Garden This Summer! Fresh tomatoes, basil, garlic, peppers, eggplant, mints, ground cherries, strawberries – July and August are the most productive months for the school garden. Help us enjoy the fruits of the students’ work! (More —>)