A fact sheet for families at PS 372 The Children’s School:
How Are Classes Put Together? Creating a Community of Learners

As everyone in our school community gets ready to end one year and look forward to the next, classes for the next year’s grades are being assembled.
Many parents have questions about how this process works, so here is a brief outline of how teachers and administration work to put classes together.

• Requests regarding specific teachers will not be considered.

• Classes are assembled with regards to the community of students, not to
their suitability for particular teachers.

• Class groups are put together to achieve balance in each of the following areas:
gender; racial and ethnic diversity; special education and general education
(mandated by law); academic achievement; interpersonal dynamics between
students; and other individual student needs (the school’s belief is that a

   heterogeneous student body learns better).

• Other information is taken into account once the previous categories are
  addressed, including what you’ve told your child’s teachers throughout the
  year. If there is anything your child’s teachers should know, please share it
  with them in writing no later than May 31st.

• Teacher assignments are not finalized until long after the class groups are

  assembled, typically, just before the first day of school.

• Once the classes are assembled, changes are not made except for
  extenuating reasons

Questions? Contact Roxanna Velandria, Parent Coordinator, at or (718) 624-5271 ext:1110

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