Come sample the herbs and other produce that your children have grown this year in science class!
Did you know that they started these tomatoes and other fruits and veg from seed in March? The school garden is a living classroom that’s incorporated into the school’s science program — especially the early childhood science programs for preK, K and 1st grades!
We hope to see you at the garden Tuesday morning after drop off.
The garden committee will serve lemonade infused with home-grown herbs, give away free samples of oregano, sage, basil and other herbs, and give tours of the student-grown eggplant, tomatoes, snap peas, cucumbers and more. Visitors will have an opportunity to see how to water/ check the irrigation system and, if interested, sign up to water and harvest on a summer weekend.
Community members are invited to the garden at the corner 1st Place and Denton Place after drop off on Tuesday June 21st.
Related: Watering Schedule for Summer/Fall 2016 is now live! Seedlings Take In “Sun” Over Spring Break; Sunflower Study