These Red Norland potatoes are an early maturation variety. We chose one that could be harvested before the end of the school year.

These Red Norland potatoes are an early maturation variety. We chose one that could be harvested before the end of the school year.

PreK-2, led by teachers Ms, Janet and Ms. Lori, with the support of the garden committee (and parent Severn,) had a successful potato harvest this morning. The yield was about a cup or so of potatoes, but a good handful of mature ones. We can’t wait to hear how they taste!

Scroll down to see the month by month growth. –Denise + The Garden Committee

















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By mid-May, growth was underway.

By mid-May, growth was underway.

Students in PreK2 planted potatoes.

Students in PreK2 planted potatoes.

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