May 17, 2023


Attendees: 24


  • Arrival
    • Latenesses have improved
    • Parents are now asked to wait outside with their late child
    • Driving to the school, please practice safe driving especially around bussing
  • Summer programming for our D75 IEP Mandated children begins July 6- Aug 16: Hours will be 8:10-2:30
    • Academic program which will focus on Reading and Math. 
    • Related Services fully accommodated
  • School Bus tracking system has launched for two companies
  • GSA:  Mr. Costa and Ms. Rachel
    • LGBTQ+ rainbow club for 4th and 5th grade

RACHEL SEIDMAN (Social Worker at 372)

The 4th and 5th grade students have launched an LGBTQ+ Rainbow Club, with a purpose is to be a safe, affirming space, aimed at kids who identify on the LGBTQ+ spectrum, or are allies, or have parents or family who are LGBTQ. It’s student-led and staff-supported. (MR. COSTA is helping as well)


—Regarding new Chancellor’s Reading mandates: Our school is already in alignment with the new recommendations from the Chancellor around phonics (we use Fundations). 

The Chancellor is asking schools to streamline and pick from one of two options; the school has yet to pick, Ms. Rosa has final say and the administration will review with SLT. 

A literary specialist has been meeting with a school panel (including Mr. Frank; 2 first-grade teachers; 2 fourth-grade teachers). Many teachers are ready to move on from the Teachers College curriculum, and welcome this opportunity to try something new.

The new curriculum will be in training mode for 2023-24 school year and in effect 2024-25. 

—Last round of MAP Growth and Acadience Screeners currently being administered between now and June 7th. 

Following dates to remember:

  • Monday, May 29th – Memorial Day – School Closed 
  • Thursday, June 8 – Student Non-Attendance Day
  • Friday, June 9 – Student Non-Attendance Day
  • Monday, June 19– Juneteenth Observed – School Closed
  • Monday, June 27 – Last Day of School – Full Day
  • Middle School Letters are out. Please email Yvette or Ms.Gillian Williams if you have any questions:
  • Lost and Found Items are in the cafeteria. Please let Yvette know if your child is missing anything
  • Early Dismissal – If you are picking up your child early all pick ups must be done by 1:30pm. We will not dismiss any students at 2pm. If you have a last minute change in your child’s dismissal schedule please call the school by 12pm so that we can notify teachers of any changes.


Teacher Appreciation Lunch is coming! 

Thursday, June 8th, in the ICT Gym

  • Class Projects: Lori White
  • Teacher Raffle & Gifts
  • There’s a Volunteer Sign-Up on Konstella 6/5, and we are looking for people to help set up, serve, clean up, and do beverages. 




Regarding the 6/2 Auction: we do have hardship tickets available, so please reach out to the auction committee if you need. Also, If you’re feeling like you don’t know people, reach out to class parents and let them know—don’t be shy, come to the party! 


Next & final PTA meeting: Wednesday, June 14 (6:45pm)

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