Thank you to everyone who read “Binny’s Diwali” for our first One School, One Book gathering of the year. Big kudos to our brave 4th grade reader, especially!
We also appreciate our parents and staff members who participated, as well as Mr. Frank and Ms. Jackie for arranging it.
Did you know the PTA sponsors the event and purchases a copy of the featured book for every classroom?
Our upcoming topics for the rest of the year include
- Women’s History: March
- Asian American and Pacific Islander Month: May
- Juneteenth: June
One School, One Book Mission Statement
The One School, One Book project is a school-wide initiative that brings a shared read-aloud picture books into every classroom at The Children’s School.
One School, One Book selects books that center the lives and experiences of people of color, immigrants and refugees, people with disabilities, and people of LBGTQ and gender nonconforming experience. We seek to celebrate the ethnic, cultural, and religious traditions that are historically excluded from traditional curricula, so that all children see themselves reflected in the pages of classroom texts.
One School, One Book believes in the power of books to spark conversations that deepen learning about the differences amongst us. We believe we become a more unified, more culturally-responsive, and more social-emotionally supportive community through seeking to understand our diverse perspectives and experiences.
We actively support the exciting work being done to reshape children’s literature into a genre that tells more complex and inclusive stories and that centers the voices of writers and illustrators of color. For this reason, we prioritize highlighting stories that are created by people who are members of the communities they write about. We ask members of the community to read the books to the school and share their experiences.
One School One Book is generously supported and made possible by the PTA.
“Declaración de la misión de Una escuela, un libro;.
El proyecto Una escuela, un libro; es una iniciativa escolar que lleva un libro ilustrado de lectura compartida a todos los salones, De La Escuela De Los Niños
Una escuela, un libro selecciona libros que se centran en las vidas y experiencias de personas de color, inmigrantes y refugiados, personas con discapacidades y personas con experiencias LBGTQ y de género
no conformes. Buscamos celebrar las tradiciones étnicas, culturales y religiosas que son históricamente excluidas de los planes de estudio tradicionales, para que todos los niños se vean reflejados en las páginas de los textos de los salones.
One School, One Book cree en el poder de los libros para suscitar conversaciones que profundicen en el aprendizaje de las diferencias entre nosotros. Creemos que nos convertimos en una comunidad más unificada, más receptiva a la cultura y más solidaria desde el punto de vista social y emocional si tratamos de comprender nuestras diversas perspectivas y experiencias.
Apoyamos activamente el apasionante trabajo que se está llevando a cabo para reconvertir la literatura infantil en un género que cuente historias más complejas e inclusivas y que centre las voces de los escritores e ilustradores de color. Por esta razón, damos prioridad a las historias creadas por personas
que son miembros de las comunidades sobre las que escriben. Pedimos a los miembros de la comunidad que lean los libros en la escuela y compartan sus experiencias.
Una Escuela, Un Libro, cuenta con el generoso apoyo de la PTA.